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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

See You Again My Friend: Honoring Daniel Del Rosario

Dear Daniel,

You know?  It's been a little difficult to write this because I simply can't believe it.  It's been almost a week since I heard the news that you had passed away.  I've been thinking of what to say and how to say it and I guess I should just say things without any filters.  I've learned that life doesn't have any filters whatsoever and it sure as hell doesn't wait around for anybody...life happens 24 hours a day 7 days a week....

Our good friend Ryan Largo reminded me of this photo we took together at Nonito's media day at Undisputed.  Your energy was just so positive.  I could tell right away that you were just a big hearted sincere human being.  We took a slew of photos that day but I would have to say that this one is my favorite.  Who would have known though that you and I both would be diagnosed with cancer not too long after this photo?  This was in September of 2012 and I was diagnosed a few months later in December.

February 23, 2013 was my Unity benefit and your entire family came out.  I believe you took this photo of me and Beverly.  I cannot even imagine what she is going through right now.  I wish that my words could heal her heart and that of your children but nothing can replace your presence and energy in this world...you passing is like an open wound right now that even when that heals, the scar of not having you physically around will be felt by many.  

Sometime in the Summer of last year I remember when I heard that you were diagnosed with cancer too and going through therapy yourself.  I facebooked to offer my support to you and your family.  A few days later we spoke on the phone.  I believe you were in the hospital at the time going through chemotherapy and I had just completed that phase and was going through radiation.  I think both of us were sitting on the phone talking about being bald lol...I and not sure how far a long you were with treatment.  I can't remember right now but what I found interesting about the conversation was how you kept telling me I was your hero because I was "fighting" and "surviving" and remaining so positive through it all.  I was very humbled by that statement but replied with the fact that nothing I was doing was heroic.  I was a person just like you going through some very rough challenges with a smile.  I also remember connected you and Joey as I know he would have some great positive things to share with you.  

From that day on, we were bonded by a disease as were were  also living in a world that not many understand and hopefully will never have to.  We laughed and talked about the craziness we were going through and that we were both going to come out of this...alive.

I remember you calling me either late last year or early this year to tell me that the cancer came back but you were going to go through more treatment.  You made it a point to call me and I appreciate that so much.  Please know that I always thought about you my brother.  I prayed for you.

2 weeks ago Dean and I went out to eat and he told me you called him to tell him that you didn't have too much longer to live.  I didn't want to believe him.  I called you and I texted you the next day but I know you had more important things to tend to.  I wanted to take you the holistic clinic in Reno where Joey got his treatment that turned his cancer around!!!  I wanted to make it a survivors trip up there, me you and Joey.  I never heard from you again....

The following week Mike Bazzel updated his status "RIP Daniel Del Rosario".  I can't tell you how sad I was.  I was in the kitchen in my house paralyzed from the news.  I couldn't believe it.  I put my phone down and began to cry.  I wished so much to take that trip with you and Joey.  I couldn't do anything.  I couldn't think.  I couldn't breathe.  I walked to my bedroom and just sat at the edge of my bed and cried and prayed to God that he guide your family through this tough time.

Thank you Daniel.  Even in this short time that I have known you, you have been a great support to me.  I appreciate your positive energy and loving heart.  I know so many people feel the same as you have touched so many with you loving spirit.  Rest in peace my brother.  One day we will all be together again...

Love your friend always,
